Client List
KP Educational Consultants work with a range of primary, intermediate, area and secondary schools.
See our past and current client list:
Aokautere School
Castlecliff School
Dannevirke High School
Feilding High School
Foxton Beach School
Gisborne Girls High School
Heretaunga Intermediate
Horowhenua College
Hunterville School
Keith St School
Levin School
Manakau School
Mataroa School
Moawhango School
Muriwai School
Napier Central School
Oroua Downs School
Pakuranga Intermediate
Patea Area School
Port Ahuriri School
Queen Elizabeth College
Rangiwaea School
Rongotea School
Sanson School
Solway College
St John's College
St Pat's Town
Taita College
Tuturumuri School
Upokongaro School
Waiopehu College
Waitara High School
Westmount School
Whenuakura School
Ashhurst School
Cheltenham School
Eskdale School
Fitzroy School
Gisborne Boys High School
Heretaunga College
Hokowhitu School
Hukarere College
Hurleyville School
Kimiora Community School
Makoura College
Mangateretere School
Mayfair School
Muritai School
Naenae College
Ngata Memorial College
Paekakariki School
Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School
Pongaroa School
Pukeokahu Schhol
Rangitikei College
Riverslea School
Ruapehu College
Sherenden & Districts School
St Anne's School
St Joseph's School
Taihape Area School
Te Aute College
Twyford School
Wainui Beach School
Waipukurau School
West End School
Whanganui Collegiate